The break sea cod is also known as the black arse. The fish is related to the coral trout, and it is a fantastic eating fish. The species is widespread in Western Australia.
Types of fish that can be found
The break sea cod looks similar to the cod species, and it also has the small sharp teeth, and it is designed for holding on to its prey. The fishes vary in its color, and this is dependent on the depth of the water where it is caught. The break sea cod fishes that are caught in the shallow waters are dark green or brown. The break sea cod that is found in the deep waters are bright red or orange. The shape of the break sea cod is concave, and it also has a dark chocolate band which can be seen on the tail cordial and the rear fin.
Type of fishing that can be done at the location
The break sea cod is a big catch, but it is under threat because of the overfishing of this species. To fish the break sea cod, the anglers use the medium bottom fishing combo. It is spooled either with the gel spun or the braided line, and it is between 20 and 30 lbs. The recommended bait for the break sea cod is octopus, squid, pilchards and the fish strips. The soft plastic lure can be used in the shallow waters, and the metal jigs are used when catching the break sea cod in the deeper waters.
The anglers commonly practice having a pair or a gang of hooks that carry the bait for the target break sea cod. The break sea cod is valued because it is an incidental catch.
The break sea cod is from the Ephinephilidae family, and it begins its life as a female. It matures and spawns at the age of 3 when it grows to a length of around 23 cms. The males mature at a later age which is around 4 years and grows to a length of 27 cms. Break sea cod spawns from December to April, and it lives to an age of 21 years. The fishes that are aged between 2 and 10 years are mostly used for recreational fishing.
The break sea cod can easily be encountered in the W.A waters and is seen as far as the Recherche archipelago, Esperance and in the south to as far as the Shark bay.
The break sea cod is a temperate waters species, and it congregates over the inshore reef and ranges in depth from 10 to 100 meters. The fish can also be seen when drifting over the coral bottoms and the flat rubble. The break sea cod is endemic to Australia, and its natural habitat is the shallow seas, ocean, coral reefs, and the sub tidal aquatic beds.
The break sea cod normally eat the small fishes and the algae.